2019 Conference
Advocacy Pays Off
Now running as an annual conference, we upsized to the Waterside venue at Bicentennial Park, focusing on the current economic climate and the challenges facing the industry, looking for ways to increase productivity and efficiency.
Speaker Summary
It was fun and informative day of speakers at this years conference, We heard from Sal Petroccitto at the NHVR about their latest work in NSW, while Senator Glenn Sterle spoke to us about the federal Inquiry into Transport he had started, with an emphasis on ensuring increasing profitable businesses in the industry.
Alan Beacham from Toll spoke about challenges of the Toll business over the last few years and Brent Ferguson moderated a round table on the challenges facing freight businesses. Our new Chair Leigh Smart gave an insight into the rest areas within the Sydney metro region while Nick Zovko from Chemistry Australia spoke on the hurdles involved in carrying Dangerous Goods.