2022 Conference
Freight Post Covid
Back for the first time after a 2 year gap due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we returned to The Waterview in Bicentennial Park to discuss how the freight industry had changed in a post-covid world and what it meant for our members.
Speaker Summary
We heard from a mix of bureaucrats, politicians and inspirational figures in first post-covid conference. Scott Farlow MLC spoke on behalf of the NSW Liberal Government, while Sal Petroccitto from the NHVR & Susie Harwood from Transport for NSW explained how the public service could help drive better outcomes for the industry.
Varenya Mohan-Ram from TWU Super & Karen Glover from iCare spoke how their organisations could benefit those in the freight industry. Finally, we heard from Brett Stibners, an Australian Wheelchair Basketball on his inspiration story of recovery and success after losing his legs in a car accident at age 21.